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Stay informed about the latest offers and happenings around the Hotel Marc Aurel and Petronell-Carnuntum! No matter whether you are interested in special offers, the menu in the restaurant Marc Aurel or our wine shop. We keep you up to date on events and culinary events in our hotel.
Bus tourists
Bus and group travelers are always welcome. We are able to provide groups of up to 150 people with food and drink. The parking for your coach is located directly in front of the hotel.
Bike tourists
More and more "pedal knights" appreciate our house to either take a break here and continue their bike tour after a hearty snack or they stay overnight and gather here new forces for new ventures.
Carnuntum Draisine
By bike, by train or car in only 30min. from Vienna or Bratislava to our Draisinenstrecke between Bruck an der Leitha and Petronell-Carnuntum. Our trolleys are small pedal-operated rail vehicles. Per direction (10km) should be scheduled 1 to 1.5 hours. Ideal for day, club or company outings!
Gladiator school in Carnuntum
The discovery of extensive foundations of an ancient gladiator school ("Ludus") on the grounds of the Archaeological Park Carnuntum is to be estimated as an archaeological sensation of international importance. This was confirmed by Markus Scholz (Roman-Germanic Central Museum Mainz) by video message on Monday in Petronell.
Company or Christmas party
Every year the same challenge. We are happy to help you with the planning.
Wine recommendation of the month
This wine was tasted, evaluated and selected by our wine specialists.
2 days Carnuntum
Conquer, discover and experience the Roman land of Carnuntum with the exclusive top packages of the Landgasthaus Marc Aurel
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